: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 10.3.1 to PyPI with a bug fix for a regression introduced by the Pythonic …

: PyObjC 10.3 with more Pythonic instantation I’ve tagged and uploaded PyObjC 10.3 to PyPI. This is a fairly substantial update feature …

: I’ve uploaded a new release of py2app to PyPI during the weekend. This adds support for Python …

: I’ve tagged PyObjC 10.2 and uploaded it to PyPI. This release features updates for the 14.4 …

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 10.1 to PyPI. This primarily adds support for new APIs in macOS 14.2, but …

: Sigh, receiving a signal while the signal handler is being changed can crash on macOS (FB13453490, …

: import objc; l = objc.getClassList(); from Cocoa import CFLocaleCopyCommonISOCurrencyCodes, NSArray; …

: PyObjC 9.2 released PyObjC 9.2 is uploading to PyPI. This contains a number of bugfixes, as well as support for Python …

: I’ve uploaded new versions of py2app and modulegraph that target both the (very) old and the …

: PyObjC 9.1b1 - Please Test PyObjC 9.1 is one of the rare times that I’m publishing explicit beta releases. PyObjC 9.1b1 …

: I’ve uploaded py2app 0.28.5 to PyPI. This fixes an issue with the recipe for black.

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 9.0.1 to PyPI. This release contains a number of small bugfixes, API …

: PyObjC 9.0 is released I’ve (finally) tagged the PyObjC 9.0 release and uploaded it to PyPI. As usual with a major …

: I’ve uploaded new versions of py2app, modulegraph and modulegraph2 to PyPI with support for …

: A couple of days ago I’ve uploaded PyObjC 8.5.1 to PyPI. This release contains a small number …

: I’ve uploaded py2app 0.28.2 to PyPI with a number of small bugfixes.

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 8.5 to PyPI. This release contains a number of small bugfixes, as well …

: I’ve uploaded py2app 0.28 to PyPI. This is primarily a bugfix release, and is also the last …

: I’ve published PyObjC 8.4 on PyPI. This is a minor bugfix release.

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 8.3 to PyPI. This is a bugfix release. The most important fix is that …

: I’ve uploaded py2app 0.27 to PyPI. This fixes a number of bugs.

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 8.2 to PyPI. The changelog is fairly long, but contains mostly small …

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 8.1 to PyPI. This is a minor bugfix release.

: PyObjC 8 is released A new macOS release means a new major release of PyObjC. I’m happy to announce that PyObjC 8 …

: I’ve just uploaded py2app 0.26.1 to PyPI. This contains a small bugfix that only affects …

: Py2app 0.26 released I’ve spend some more time on py2app over the last week or so, in between relaxing while being …

: py2app 0.25 released I’ve done some work on py2app over the weekend after mostly neglecting it for the rest of the …

: Apple: Let’s have an API for programmaticly creating an ObjC protocol Also Apple: Let’s …

: So close… Monterey runs in a VM, but for some reason the network adaptor doesn’t work.

: PyObjC 7.3 released With WWDC and beta of a new major release of macOS approaching fast it is high time to push out a …

: Some exercise before the second day of PyCon US. #PyConUS2021Active

: I’ve released PyObjC 7.2 with support for the new APIs introduced in macOS 11.3.

: I’ve pushed py2app 0.24 to PyPI. The primary change in this release is the inclusion of binary …

: It is clear spring time #newlife

: Not sunset, but light pollution from greenhouses. Pretty view regardless.

: I’ve uploaded py2app 0.23 to PyPI. The primary changes are proper support for the M1 macs and …

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 7.1 to PyPI. This release updates the framework bindings to the macOS …

: Close on the heels of PyObjC 7.0 I’ve uploaded PyObjC 7.0.1 to PyPI that fixes build problems …

: PyObjC 7.0 released Finally…. A bit later than I had expected I’ve uploaded PyObjC 7.0 to PyPI. This …

: PyObjC 7 with full Big Sur and arm64 support is later than I’d hoped. My current plan is to …

: Time away from the computer during the virtual CPython Core Sprint.

: modulegraph2 2.1 is now on PyPI. This fixes a problem with adding scripts and adds support for the …

: I’ve uploaded py2app 0.22 to PyPI with some bugfixes. The most important of which is that app …

: I’ve been working on PyObjC on the first day of #EuroPython sprints (although not in one of …

: The nice thing about the @europython merchandise shop is that you’re not limited to t-shirts. …

: I’ve pushed PyObjC 6.2.2 to PyPI. The primary reason for a release is to fix an issue on macOS …

: “pyobjc-core” (the bridge itself) now passes its testsuite on arm64 with CPython trunk (what …

: PyObjC, macOS 11 and Apple Silicon The WWDC keynote contained lots of interesting news, amongst others a CPU architecture transition …

: On my way to #wwdc2020 😉

: PyObjC 6.2.1 is on PyPI. This is a minor bugfix release, see the changelog for more information. …

: The steering column of my bike broke off. Luckily at very low speed, I haven’t harmed myself. No …

: I haven’t been in a dojo for over 6 weeks and don’t expect this to change anytime soon. …

: It is spring time after all.

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 6.2 to PyPI. This release includes the API changes for macOS 10.15.4, and …

: Started work on an asyncio loop for PyObjC I’ve started work on an asyncio event loop for PyObjC. This currently can basically just run …

: Working from home starts earlier than expected. New measures to stop spread of coronavirus in the …

: I’ve migrated the repositories and issues for py2app, modulegraph, macholib, altgraph, asl, …

: Shaving yaks: converting mercurial to git In the “why can’t anything be easy” department, I’ve started work to convert …

: Bad UI design on the fuel gage. The discrete meter shows a lot less information than a traditional …

: Nice lighting on the clouds, with light from a sunset to my back.

: Haven’t had to use my printer in ages, and obviously the ink has run out now that I need to …

: Nostalgie… overcast.fm

: One year ago in Fukuoka

: The new 16” macbook pro looks pretty interesting, and apparently has a decent keyboard. The …

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 6.1 to PyPI. This adds support for API changes in macOS 10.15.1 and fixes …

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 6.0.1 to PyPI. This fixes a number of debug prints left in the 6.0 …

: Archive Utility uses an insane amount of memory extracting the Xcode beta.

: PyObjC 6.0 released I’ve uploaded PyObjC 6.0 to PyPI. This is a major feature release, the two most important …

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 5.3 to PyPI. This is a minor bugfix release and also ships with wheels …

: Time to shave some yaks… Updating VMs to release PyObjC 6.0c1 and PyObjC 5.3 later this week.

: I’m updating the PyObjC bindings for Xcode 11 GM, but cannot test those changes on the latest …

: The new Apple Watch fixes a long standing annoyance by having an always on screen.

: Cool, #py2app can crash the WindowServer on macOS 10.14.6. py2app issue. FB7028614 in Apple’s …

: The version 6 branch of #PyObjC has finally caught up with the current beta: tests pass in macOS …

: Listening to #13MinutestotheMoon over the last couple week, leading up to an uninterrupted listen to …

: Stuck in Frankfurt am M. traveling back from a post #EuroPython trip in Switserland. Amazing service …

: Stalden as a Service?

: Looking for PyObjC and py2app users I’m looking for users and usages of PyObjC and py2app for a number of reasons. I’m personally …

: A quick PyObjC on macOS 10.15 update: I’ve almost finished a first pass through the metadata …

: Minimal bike road 🚲

: Interesting interview with @brettsky on the new Python governance model. overcast.fm

: I can’t get macOS catalina to run in a VM for now 🙁. Hopefully I’ll have more success …

: PyObjC and macOS 10.15 On first glance the amount of API changes in macOS 10.15 is comparable to those in 10.14, full …

: Windmill near Weesp

: Migrating to Github I’ve migrated the objectgraph library from Bitbucket (and Mercurial) to Github (and git). The …

: The UFO has landed 🤖

: PyObjC 5.2 released I’ve uploaded PyObjC 5.2 to PyPI with a number of bug fixes and support for the APIs …

: I’ve pushed py2app 0.19 to PyPI. The major fix in this release is that the six.moves recipe no …

: Heard today: “GitHub is like Gitlab, but on the internet”. Enterprise IT keeps amazing me.

: Debugging through a CI is interesting… But at least the modulegraph2 tests now pass on …

: Modulegraph2: A Python 3 rewrite of modulegraph What went before Modulegraph is a library for creating a dependency graph between python modules and …

: Announcing "objectgraph" I’ve been working on a clean rewrite of the modulegraph library, more on that later. While …


: Only Idiots Start Their Day at 4 a.m. by Choice - Inc.com

: I’ve pushed PyObjC 5.1.2 to PyPI with a number of bug fixes, see the full changelog for more …

: Fun with async... One of my plans for a future version of PyObjC is to add pervasive support for asyncio. This will in …

: Barriers can be fun!

: I’ve uploaded PyObjC 5.1.1 to PyPI. This adds a couple of definitions that are new the macOS …

: The new iPad Pro looks very nice. Wondering if its worth an out-of-cycle update ;-)

: For some reason “hg pull -u” fails on macOS 10.14.1 beta (in a VM) with a broken pipe message …